Compassion Center Historic Timeline

Recognizing that keeping up with the Compassion Center, the Center for Incubation & Findings Research (CIFR) and its many subordinate institutes, not to mention its many initiatives, can be challenging even for the most observant. Therefore, we compiled the following timeline to aid you in following along with our history of trailblazing patient rights, instituting cutting-edge research initiatives and implementing inclusive programs for the communities we serve.
Thursday, June 7, 2001
Compassion Center is Chartered and Founded in Eugene
Center for Nonprofit Law in Eugene Oregon helped establish the Compassion Center, with the intention of creating a local community resource center combining clinical recommendations and education regarding various state programs available to underserved citizens.
Thursday, June 7, 2001
Monday, April 21, 2003
Compassion Center expands and relocates to W. Eugene
Outgrowing the original warehouse space on S. Bertelsen Rd., the clinic was moved to 2055 W. 12th Ave., Eugene, OR 97402, where doctors held clinics and provided provider and patient education, and state recommendations while the organization hosted local patient, caregiver and producer meetings in its community resource center for almost 15 years serving over 18,000 local community members with program guidance, compassion and unbiased education regarding Oregon's Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP).
Monday, April 21, 2003
2005 Oregon Legislative Session - Multiple Dates
Compassion Center Helps Expand the OMMP, Correctly
Along with a group of community based organizations, patient advocates, administrators, lawmakers, judges, district attorneys, law enforcement agencies and universities, the Compassion Center's own research institute provided blind patient data and usage statistics that supported expansions outlined in SB-1085, regardless of additional restrictions it would impose on producers, in order to better protect the patients, and providers, that were enrolled in the state program.
2005 Oregon Legislative Session - Multiple Dates
2010 Oregon Legislative Session - Multiple Dates
Compassion Center Partners w/Patient Rights Coalition
Following through on a previous directive from the Oregon Legislature, Compassion Center teamed up with a coalition of patients, community based nonprofit organizations, administrators and lawmakers to revise the Classification of Cannabis on Oregon's Controlled Substances Act resulting in a CSA Schedule II rating and the legal protections for hospitalists, emergency internists, general family practitioners and more as they integrated medical cannabis and navigated the system in favor of integrative medicine.
2010 Oregon Legislative Session - Multiple Dates
2010-2011 Annual Readership Poll
Compassion Center Voted #17 out of Top 100 Nonprofits
Under the leadership of Cheryl Smith, Exec. Director, Compassion Center was voted #17 out of the top 100 nonprofits in Oregon to work for, as determined by a poll conducted by Oregon Business Magazine. Cheryl was instrumental in leading the organization.
2010-2011 Annual Readership Poll
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Compassion Center Joins the Regional Oregon HIV Alliance
Connecting underserved citizens with healthcare, HIV testing, prevention and resources for those in need is one of the most compassionate things one can do for another, and it was an honor to join the HIV Alliance and align these resources for our patient base.
Thursday, February 27, 2014
2014 Oregon Legislative Session - Multiple Dates
Compassion Center Advocates For Patient Rights in Salem
Recognizing an emerging trend, Compassion Center sent Andrew Nonnenmacher, Exec. Director and Kris McAlister to Salem, Oregon to protect patient rights with regard to newly emerging laws and state regulations. This meeting was the catalyst for generational change.
2014 Oregon Legislative Session - Multiple Dates
Monday, January 9, 2017
Compassion Center Consolidates w/Cannalogix Foundation
Leading a variety of disruptive innovations in integrative healthcare, the Compassion Center took initiative and seized an opportunity to partner with the Cannalogix Foundation Research Institute (CFRI) by managing their national group of researchers, and the organization as a whole, on a joint-research patient study, allowing Compassion Center to expand management services nationally into existing family care clinics or integrative practices to deliver higher care standards.
Monday, January 9, 2017
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Compassion Center Relocates its Corporate Headquarters
Consolidating office space and professional staff with the Cannalogix Foundation, the Compassion Center moved its National corporate headquarters to Cannalogix's Hillsboro Oregon campus, centralizing administrative and accountability staffing, legal, compliance, patient advocacy and operations right next door to the Hillsboro VA Clinic, where they continue to be located today.
Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Wednesday, March 12, 2017
Compassion Center Closes Its West Eugene Flagship Clinic
Keeping ahead of the ever evolving landscape of medical cannabis and the emerging trends in integrative healthcare, and a series of advancements in technology and tele-health, the Compassion Center Board recognized a not-so-subtle trend in the decline of "in-person appointments", forcing Compassion Center's Board of Directors to make a difficult decision, and close its flagship clinic in West Eugene after almost 15 years of direct community action. Taking a majority of the program online through online groups, tele-health and/or online learning, Compassion Center delivers in-person care and programs through a network of approved clinics, providers and/or healthcare facilities, in addition providing pop-up clinics and similar events that empower communities with improved access to affordable care.
Wednesday, March 12, 2017
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Compassion Center Helps Cannalogix create a Genomic Kit
Keeping in step with our missions to empower communities, clinics, hospice centers and hospitals with the latest, most powerful clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic tools, the Compassion Center helped the Cannalogix Foundation develop the CECD.Solutions Genomic Kit with laboratory, Anantlife Canada, as a "Clinical EndoCannabinoid Deficiency" (CECD) kit combining Genomic Testing with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Datasets. Today, Compassion Center manages CECD.Solutions. Medical providers and patients may use it to obtain, measure and verify otherwise critical insights into genetic/genomic predispositions of patients seeking relief from medical cannabis or hemp- further helping steer protocols and build confidence, despite addictive personality disorders and/or other contributing barriers or contraindications that are currently standing in the way of healing.
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Compassion Center Reorganizes its Structure For The Future
Recognizing the most proficient roles that Compassion Center has played in the overall Continuum of Care, and that the cost of doing business was skyrocketing in nature while revenues were simultaneously dropping in states which had recently legalized marijuana for the adult-use and/or recreational markets, the Compassion Center established MSOplus and Integrative ECS to be the professional and public facing Compassion Center brands, respectively, laying a foundation for the future.
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Friday, December 21, 2018
Center for Incubation & Findings Research (CIFR) is Created
While Compassion Center always had divisions considered research and advocacy, the Board took a further step and chartered the Center for Incubation & Findings Research (CIFR) to organize and manage ongoing program incubations while expanding additional offerings to support research programs in the integrative healthcare space.

Today, CIFR manages a variety of research programs ranging from CFRI to the CBCCERN, and is branching out into other conventional research channels to fill emerging gaps in integrative therapeutics. In addition to the incubation and management services provided, CIFR establishes a virtual bridge between researchers and the community based organizations driving the measurable change on the streets.
Friday, December 21, 2018
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Compassion Center Appointed VCTF's Management Provider
Compassion Center was selected to be the management services provider (MSO) for the Vape Crisis Task Force (VCTF) and its public facing websites, and Officially, the VCTF is a National public safety task force made up of concerned parents, local community leadership, state and federal lobbyists and expert healthcare providers dedicated to unifying agencies, organizations and healthcare facilities on the latest developments, and solutions, in battling the emerging Vape Crisis while educating on how E-cigarette Vapor Associated Lung Injury (EVALI) negatively affects consumers and communities including overwhelming community health systems.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Friday, February 02, 2020
Compassion Center International (CCI) is Initially Chartered
Compassion Center began piloting disruptive programs in the early aughts and in the early twenty-teens expanded Internationally to further ensure global equity and inclusion in the development of integrative healthcare. Taking full accountability for the successes, failures and lessons learned and associated with the management, evaluation, recommendation, follow up and education of patients, providers, administrators and lawmakers, alike, Compassion Center International takes great pride in expanding Compassion Center's United States' born programs well beyond the borders of the USA.
Friday, February 02, 2020
Monday, February 22, 2021
Compassion Center | Integrative ECS Merges With Santa Barbara Based Integrative E C S Therapeutics Clinic System
Compassion Center's Integrative ECS merged with the Santa Barbara California based Integrative E C S Therapeutics clinic and associated systems and programs to expand Compassion Center's practices and offer the rest of the communities that Compassion Center serves the ability to engage with the specialty providers' unparalleled expertise in addressing Intractable Epilepsy and Intractable Seizure Disorders, and Other Neurological Issues While Further Alleviating Symptoms Associated with the Chiari Malformation and Similar Pseudo-Tumor Classified Intrusions on the Brain.
Monday, February 22, 2021

Donations Are Tax Deductible

Compassion Center is an Oregon-headquartered 501(c)(3) public charity and management services organization dedicated to advancing professional education, patient advocacy, and healthcare innovations. Our mission is to disruptively serve the categorically complex, terminally ill, and underserved populations worldwide, fostering wholeness and inclusion for the next generation. By learning from our histories, cultures, and civilizations, we aim to share knowledge globally and protect future generations through our efforts, sacrifices, and lessons. If we can only learn the lessons from our past, we can redirect our future.